3G Filtration Technology

Groundbreaking solution for Homes
Patented 3G air filtration technology is the cornerstone of LIFAair's worldwide success. 3G stands for “3-in-1 GREEN filter“. The advantages are high efficiency for removing (1) fine particles, (2) bacteria & virus and (3) harmful gases together with massive dust-holding capacity achieved in extremely low pressure drop. Standard 3G-filter removes < 99,99 % of PM2.5 and < 95 % of gases.

How to Avoid Secondary Pollution
3G filtration systems can effectively collect particles, gaseous contaminants and organic compounds. The collected microorganisms are destroyed daily by UV-radiation while active carbon layers absorb gaseous contaminants, thus avoiding the risk of secondary pollution.

The technology was developed by LIFAair and the Finnish national technical research center (VTT) over several years, resulting in the discovery of an extremely advanced filtration solution. The technology is finally available for consumers in the high end Air Purifier LA700's model revolutionary fresh air purifier LAF500. With unique materials and structure, 3G-filters are capable of filtering a wide range of contaminants.

LIFAair is one of a few manufacturers to have earned the ISO 9001 quality and ISO14001 environmental standards and has also developed in cooperation with Finnish Technical Research Centre VTT several new advanced methods, as referenced here for a hospital air hygiene problem